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Central Texas College

Online Course Catalog

1 Credit Hours   Developmental Studies credits are not transferable and cannot be applied towards degree completion. For details, visit

2 Delivery Method  MM = MultiMedia or offline courses. These are offered at select locations and in response to specific contracts, and are designed for students who do not have consistent, reliable internet access.

Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


ACCT2301: Principles of Financial Accounting 3 Online,MM No
ACCT2302: Principles of Managerial Accounting 3 Online,MM No
ACNT1303: Introduction to Accounting I 3 Online No
ACNT1304: Introduction to Accounting II 3 Online No
ACNT1311: Introduction Computerized Accounting 3 Online No
ACNT1329: Payroll and Business Tax Accounting 3 Online No
ACNT1331: Federal Income Tax: Individual 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


AGRI1309: Computers in Agriculture 3 Online No
AGRI1419: Introductory Animal Science 4 Online No
AGRI2317: Introduction to Ag Economics 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


ANTH2302: Introduction to Archeology 3 Online No
ANTH2346: General Anthropology 3 Online No
ANTH2351: Cultural Anthropology 3 Online,MM Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Aviation Science

AIRP2355: Propulsion Systems 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


BIOL1322: Nutrition and Diet Therapy I 3 Online No
BIOL1408: Biology Non-Science Majors I 4 Online No
BIOL1409: Biology for Non-Science Majors II 4 Online No
BIOL1411: General Botany 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


COMM2327: Introduction to Advertising 3 Online No
MRKG2372: Strategies in Social Media Marketing 3 Online No
RELE2488: Internship - Real Estate 4 Online Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Business Administration and Management

BMGT1301: Supervision 3 Online,MM No
BMGT1313: Principles of Purchasing 3 Online No
BMGT1325: Office Management 3 Online,MM No
BMGT1327: Principles of Management 3 Online,MM Yes
BMGT2388: Internship - Busi Admin & Mgt 3 Online Yes
BMGT2389: Internship - Busi Admin & Mgt 3 Online Yes
BUSG1303: Principles of Finance 3 Online No
BUSG1371: Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Development 3 Online Yes
BUSG2309: Small Business Management 3 Online No
BUSI1301: Business Principles 3 Online,MM Yes
BUSI1307: Personal Finance 3 Online No
BUSI2301: Business Law 3 Online,MM Yes
BUSI2305: Business Statistics 3 Online Yes
EMAP1400: Principles of Basic Emergency Management 4 Online,MM Yes
EMAP1440: Disaster Exercise Design & Eva 4 Online Yes
EMAP2300: Developing Volunteer Resources and Decision Making 3 Online,MM Yes
EMAP2301: Leadership and Effective Communication 3 Online Yes
EMAP2302: Managing Mass Casualty and Fatality Incidents 3 Online,MM Yes
EMAP2355: Disaster Recovery 3 Online,MM Yes
HMSY1337: Introduction to Homeland Security 3 Online,MM Yes
HMSY1338: Homeland Security Emergency Communications Management 3 Online,MM Yes
HMSY1340: Homeland Security Intelligence Operations 3 Online,MM Yes
HMSY1341: Critical Infrastructure Protection 3 Online,MM Yes
HMSY1342: Understanding and Combating Terrorism 3 Online,MM Yes
HMSY1343: Weapons of Mass Destruction 3 Online Yes
HMSY2306: Organized Crime and Terrorism 3 Online Yes
HMSY2337: Managing a Unified Incident Command 3 Online,MM Yes
HRPO1311: Human Relations 3 Online,MM No
HRPO2301: Human Resource Management 3 Online,MM No
IBUS1301: Principles of Exports 3 Online No
IBUS1302: Principles of Imports 3 Online No
IBUS1305: Intro to Intl Business & Trade 3 Online No
IBUS1341: Global Supply Chain Mgmt 3 Online No
IBUS2332: Global Business Simulation 3 Online No
LMGT1319: Intro to Business Logistics 3 Online No
LMGT1321: Intro to Materials Handling 3 Online No
LMGT1323: D&I Transportation Mgmt 3 Online No
LMGT1325: Warehouse and Distribution 3 Online No
MRKG1302: Principles of Retailing 3 Online,MM No
MRKG1311: Principles of Marketing 3 Online No
MRKG2333: Principles of Selling 3 Online,MM No
RELE1200: Contract Forms and Addenda 2 Online No
RELE1219: Real Estate Finance 2 Online No
RELE1311: Law of Contracts 3 Online No
RELE1315: Property Management 3 Online No
RELE1406: Real Estate Principles 4 Online No
RELE2301: Law of Agency 3 Online No
RSTO1321: Menu Management 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Child Development

CDEC1303: Familes, School and Community 3 Online No
CDEC1311: Educating Young Children 3 Online No
CDEC1318: Wellness of the Young Child 3 Online No
CDEC1321: The Infant and Toddler 3 Online No
CDEC1354: Child Growth & Development 3 Online No
CDEC1356: Emergent Literacy for Early Childhood 3 Online No
CDEC1358: Creative Arts for Early Childhood 3 Online No
CDEC1359: Children with Special Needs 3 Online No
CDEC1413: Curriculum Resources/Childhood 4 Online No
CDEC1417: Child Dev Associate Training I 4 Online No
CDEC1419: Child Guidance 4 Online No
CDEC2307: Math & Science Early Childhood 3 Online No
CDEC2328: Administration of Programs for Children II 3 Online No
CDEC2341: The School Age Child 3 Online No
CDEC2388: Internship Child Care Provider 3 Online No
CDEC2422: Child Dev Associate Train II 4 Online No
CDEC2424: Child Development Associate Training III 4 Online No
CDEC2426: Admin of Prog for Children I 4 Online No
EDUC1100: Learning Frameworks 1 Online Yes
EDUC1301: Introduction to the Teaching Profession 3 Online No
EDUC2301: Introduction to Special Populations 3 Online No
TECA1303: Families, School and Community 3 Online No
TECA1311: Educating Young Children 3 Online No
TECA1318: Wellness of the Young Child 3 Online No
TECA1354: Child Growth & Development 3 Online Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Communication and Media Technology

COMM1307: Intro to Mass Communication 3 Online Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


FREN1411: Beginning French I 4 Online No
FREN1412: Beginning French II 4 Online No
FREN2311: Intermediate French I 3 Online No
FREN2312: Intermediate French II 3 Online No
GERM1411: Beginning German I 4 Online No
GERM1412: Beginning German II 4 Online No
GERM2311: Intermediate German I 3 Online No
GERM2312: Intermediate German II 3 Online Yes
ITAL1411: Beginning Italian I 4 Online No
ITAL1412: Beginning Italian II 4 Online No
KORE1411: Beginning Korean I 4 Online No
KORE1412: Beginning Korean II 4 Online No
RUSS1411: Beginning Russian I 4 Online No
RUSS1412: Beginning Russian II 4 Online No
RUSS2311: Intermediate Russian I 3 Online No
RUSS2312: Intermediate Russian II 3 Online No
SPAN1411: Beginning Spanish I 4 Online No
SPAN1412: Beginning Spanish II 4 Online No
SPAN2311: Intermediate Spanish I 3 Online No
SPAN2312: Intermediate Spanish II 3 Online Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Computer Electronics Technology

CPMT1345: Computer Systems Maintenance 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Computer Info Tech & Systems

BCIS1305: Business Computer Applications 3 Online No
COSC1301: Introduction to Computing 3 Online Yes
COSC1315: Introduction to Computer Programming 3 Online No
COSC1336: Programming Fundamentals 3 Online No
COSC1337: Programming Fundamentals II 3 Online No
COSC2325: Computer Organization 3 Online No
COSC2336: Programming Fundamentals III 3 Online No
IMED1316: Web Design I 3 Online Yes
ITNW1309: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing 3 Online No
ITNW1313: Computer Virtualization 3 Online No
ITNW1316: Network Administration 3 Online No
ITNW1325: Fundamentals of Networking Tec 3 Online No
ITNW1336: Cloud Deployment and Infrastructure Management 3 Online Yes
ITNW1337: Introduction to the Internet 3 Online Yes
ITNW1454: Implementing and Supporting Servers 4 Online No
ITNW2427: Advanced Cloud Concepts 4 Online No
ITSC1301: Introduction to Computers 3 Online No
ITSC1309: Integrated Software Applications I 3 Online No
ITSC1316: Linux Installation and Configuration 3 Online No
ITSC1325: Personal Computer Hardware 3 Online No
ITSE1302: Intro to Computer Programming 3 Online No
ITSE1329: Programming Logic and Design 3 Online No
ITSE1359: Introduction to Scripting Lang 3 Online Yes
ITSE2402: Intermediate Web Programming 4 Online No
ITSW1307: Introduction to Database 3 Online No
ITSY1342: Information Technology Security 3 Online No
ITSY2345: Netwk Defense & Countermeasure 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Developmental Studies

DIRW0200: Dev Integrated Reading/Writing 2 Online Yes
DIRW0403: Dev Reading / Writing I 4 Online Yes
DIRW0493: Dev Integrated Reading and Wri 4 Online Yes
DSED0300: College (TOEFL) Study Skills 3 Online No
DSLA0310: Reading & Vocab I (ESL) 3 Online Yes
DSLA0314: Writing I (ESOL) 3 Online Yes
DSLA0315: Grammar I (ESOL) 3 Online Yes
DSLA0320: Reading & Vocab II (ESL) 3 Online Yes
DSLA0321: Writing II (ESL) 3 Online Yes
DSLA0322: Academic Listening and Speaking II (ESOL) 3 Online Yes
DSLA0323: Acad Listening and Speaking I 3 Online Yes
DSLA0330: Reading and Vocabulary III 3 Online Yes
DSLA0332: Academic LS/SK III (ESL) 3 Online Yes
DSMA0100: BASE NCBO Dev Math 1 Online No
DSMA0300: Developmental Mathematics I 3 Online No
DSMA0394: NCBO Developmental Math for Statistics 3 Online No
DSMA0492: NCBO Introductory Algebra 4 Online No
DSMA0493: NCBO Intermediate Algebra 4 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


ECON2301: Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Online,MM Yes
ECON2302: Principles of Microeconomics 3 Online,MM Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


ENGL1301: Composition I 3 Online,MM Yes
ENGL1302: Composition II 3 Online,MM Yes
ENGL2307: Creative Writing I 3 Online Yes
ENGL2311: Technical and Business Writing 3 Online Yes
ENGL2322: British Literature I 3 Online Yes
ENGL2323: British Literature II 3 Online Yes
ENGL2327: American Literature I 3 Online Yes
ENGL2328: American Literature II 3 Online Yes
ENGL2332: World Literature I 3 Online Yes
ENGL2333: World Literature II 3 Online Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Environmental Science

ENVR1401: Environmental Science 4 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Fine Arts

DRAM2366: Film Appreciation 3 Online Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


GEOG1301: Physical Geography 3 Online No
GEOG1302: Human Geograpy 3 Online No
GEOG1303: World Regional Geography 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


GEOL1403: Physical Geology 4 Online No
GEOL1405: Environmental Science 4 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


GOVT2304: Introduction to Political Science 3 Online No
GOVT2305: Federal Government 3 Online,MM No
GOVT2306: Texas Government 3 Online,MM No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


HIST1301: United States History I 3 Online,MM Yes
HIST1302: United States History II 3 Online,MM Yes
HIST2301: Texas History 3 Online No
HIST2311: Western Civilization I 3 Online No
HIST2312: Western Civilization II 3 Online No
HIST2321: World Civilizations I 3 Online No
HIST2322: World Civilizations II 3 Online No
HIST2381: African American History 3 Online,MM No
HIST2382: African American History II 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Hospitality Management

CHEF1301: Basic Food Preparation 3 Online No
CHEF1302: Principles of Healthy Cuisine 3 Online No
CHEF1305: Sanitation and Safety 3 Online No
CHEF1310: Garde Manger 3 Online No
CHEF1341: American Regional Cuisine 3 Online No
CHEF1345: International Cuisine 3 Online No
CHEF2301: Intermediate Food Prep 3 Online No
CHEF2302: Saucier 3 Online No
HAMG1313: Front Office Procedures 3 Online No
HAMG1321: Intro to Hospitality Industry 3 Online No
HAMG1340: Hospitality Legal Issues 3 Online No
HAMG1342: Guest Room Management 3 Online No
HAMG2301: Principles of Food and Beverage Operations 3 Online No
HAMG2307: Hospitality Marketing and Sales 3 Online No
HAMG2332: Hospitality Financial Management 3 Online No
HAMG2337: Hospitality Facilities Management 3 Online No
HAMG2388: Internship-Hospitality Administration and Management 3 Online No
IFWA1318: Nutrition for the Food Service Professional 3 Online No
PSTR1301: Fundamentals of Baking 3 Online No
PSTR1302: Cake Baking and Production 3 Online Yes
PSTR1305: Breads and Rolls 3 Online No
PSTR1306: Cake Decorating I 3 Online No
PSTR2307: Cake Decorating II 3 Online No
PSTR2331: Advanced Pastry Shop 3 Online No
PSTR2350: Wedding Cakes 3 Online No
RSTO1204: Dining Room Service 2 Online No
RSTO1301: Beverage Management 3 Online No
RSTO1313: Hospitality Supervision 3 Online No
RSTO1321: Menu Management 3 Online No
RSTO1325: Purchasing for Hospitality Operations 3 Online No
TRVM2301: Introduction to Convention/Meeting Management 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


ARTS1303: Art History I 3 Online Yes
DRAM1310: Introduction to Theater 3 Online Yes
HUMA1315: Fine Arts Appreciation 3 Online,MM Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


ENGR1201: Introduction to Engineering 2 Online No
ENGR2301: Engineering Mechanics-Statics 3 Online No
ENGR2302: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics 3 Online No
ENGR2305: Electrical Circuits I 3 Online No
ENGR2332: Mechanics of Materials 3 Online No
MATH1314: College Algebra 3 Online,MM No
MATH1324: Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences 3 Online No
MATH1325: Calculus for Business and Social Science 3 Online No
MATH1332: Contemporary Mathematics 3 Online,MM No
MATH1342: Elementary Statistical Methods 3 Online,MM No
MATH1350: Mathematics for Teachers I 3 Online No
MATH1351: Mathematics for Teachers II 3 Online No
MATH1414: College Algebra 4 Online No
MATH2318: Linear Algebra 3 Online No
MATH2412: Pre Calculus 4 Online No
MATH2413: Calculus I 4 Online No
MATH2414: Calculus II 4 Online No
MATH2415: Calculus III 4 Online No
RBTC1305: Robotic Fundamentals 3 Online No
RBTC1347: Electro-Mechanical Devices 3 Online No
RBTC1351: Robotic Mechanisms 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Mental Health Services

CHLT1167: Practicum for Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling 1 Online No
CHLT1302: Wellness & Health Promo 3 Online No
CHLT1341: Environmental Health 3 Online Yes
CHLT1342: Comm Health Field Methods 3 Online No
CHLT1401: Introduction to Community Health 4 Online No
CHLT1440: Community Health Advocacy 4 Online No
CMSW1166: Practicum (or Field Experience)-Clinical and Medical Social Work 1 Online No
CMSW1167: Practicum (or Field Experience)-Clinical and Medical Social Work 1 Online No
CMSW1309: Problems of Children and Adolescents 3 Online No
DAAC1304: Pharmacology of Addiction 3 Online No
DAAC1309: Asmt of Sub-Rel and Addictive Disorders Other Drug Addictions 3 Online No
DAAC1311: Counseling Theories 3 Online No
DAAC1319: Introduction to Alcohol & Other Drug Addictions 3 Online No
DAAC2301: Therapeutic Communities in a Criminal Justice Setting 3 Online No
DAAC2306: Substance Abuse Prevention I 3 Online No
DAAC2307: Addicted Family Intervention 3 Online No
DAAC2341: Counseling of Alcohol and Other Drugs 3 Online No
DAAC2353: Substance Abuse Prevention II 3 Online No
DAAC2354: Dynamics of Group Counseling 3 Online No
DAAC2367: Practicum – Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling 3 Online No
PSYT1309: Health Psychology 3 Online No
PSYT1429: Interviewing & Communication Skills 4 Online No
PSYT2321: Crisis Intervention 3 Online No
PSYT2331: Abnormal Psychology 3 Online No
PSYT2345: Principles of Behavior Management and Modification 3 Online No
SCWK2301: Assessment and Case Management 3 Online No
SOCW2361: Introduction to Social Work 3 Online No
SOCW2362: Social Welfare as a Social Institution 3 Online No
SOCW2389: Academic Cooperative 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


MUSI1181: Piano Class I 1 Online No
MUSI1303: Fundamentals of Music 3 Online Yes
MUSI1306: Music Appreciation 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


HPRS2300: Pharmacology for Health Professions 3 Online No
MSSG1411: Massage Therapy Fundamentals I 4 Online No
MSSG2130: Advanced Massage Therapy Techniques 1 Online No
RNSG1115: Health Assessment 1 Online No
RNSG1229: Integrated Nursing Skills II 2 Online No
RNSG1251: Care of Childbearing Family 2 Online No
RNSG1331: Principles of Clinical Decision-Making 3 Online No
RNSG1347: Concepts of Clinical Decision-Making 3 Online No
RNSG2201: Care of Children & Families 2 Online No
RNSG2213: Mental Health Nursing 2 Online No
RNSG2221: Professional Nursing: Leadership and Management 2 Online No
RNSG2331: Advanced Concepts in Adult Health 3 Online No
VNSG1126: Gerontology 1 Online No
VNSG1219: Leadership & Professional Dev 2 Online No
VNSG1222: Vocational Nursing Concepts 2 Online No
VNSG1301: Mental Health & Mental Illness 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Office Technology

HITT1301: Health Data Content and Structure 3 Online No
HITT1303: Medical Terminology II 3 Online No
HITT1305: Medical Terminology I 3 Online No
HITT1341: Coding and Classification Systems 3 Online No
HITT1349: Pharmacology 3 Online No
HITT2335: Coding and Reimbursement Methodologies 3 Online No
HITT2361: Clinical – Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician 3 Online No
MDCA1302: Human Disease/Pathophysiology 3 Online No
MDCA1309: Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Assistants 3 Online No
POFI1301: Computer Applications I 3 Online No
POFI1349: Spreadsheets 3 Online No
POFI2301: Word Processing 3 Online No
POFI2331: Desktop Publishing/Office 3 Online No
POFI2386: Internship - Business/Office Automation/ Technology/Data Entry 3 Online No
POFM1302: Medical Software Applications 3 Online No
POFM1317: Medical Administrative Support 3 Online No
POFM1327: Medical Insurance 3 Online No
POFM2310: Intermediate Medical Coding 3 Online No
POFT1301: Business English 3 Online No
POFT1307: Proofreading and Editing 3 Online No
POFT1309: Administrative Office Procedures I 3 Online No
POFT1319: Records and Information Management I 3 Online No
POFT1325: Business Math Using Technology 3 Online No
POFT1329: Beginning Keyboarding 3 Online No
POFT1349: Administrative Office Procedures II 3 Online No
POFT2312: Business Correspondence and Communication 3 Online No
POFT2333: Advanced Keyboarding 3 Online No
POFT2386: Internship-Administrative Assistant/Secretarial Science, General 3 Online No
POFT2387: Internship-Administrative Assistant/Secretarial Science, General 3 Online No
POFT2388: Internship-General Office/Clerical and Typing Services 3 Online No
POFT2389: Internship-General Office/Clerical and Typing Services 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Paralegal/Legal Assistant

LGLA1301: Legal Research and Writing 3 Online Yes
LGLA1307: Introduction to Law and the Legal Profession 3 Online Yes
LGLA1317: Law Office Technology 3 Online No
LGLA1345: Civil Litigation 3 Online No
LGLA1351: Contracts 3 Online No
LGLA1353: Wills, Trust & Probate Administration 3 Online No
LGLA1355: Family Law 3 Online No
LGLA2303: Torts & Personal Injury Law 3 Online No
LGLA2311: Business Organizations 3 Online No
LGLA2313: Criminal Law and Procedure 3 Online No
LGLA2335: Advanced Civil Litigation 3 Online No
LGLA2388: Intern Paralegal/Legal Assist 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


EMSP1338: Introduction to Advanced Practice (requires program acceptance) 3 Online No
EMSP2143: Assessment Based Management (requires program acceptance) 1 Online No
EMSP2164: Practicum-Emergency Medical Technology/Technician EMT Paramedic 1 Online No
EMSP2206: Emergency Pharmacology (requires program acceptance) 2 Online No
EMSP2262: Clinical-Emergency Medical Technology/Technician EMT Paramedic 2 Online No
EMSP2305: EMS Operations (requires program acceptance) 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


PHIL1301: Introduction to Philosophy 3 Online,MM No
PHIL1304: Introduction to World Religions 3 Online,MM No
PHIL2303: Introduction to Formal Logic 3 Online No
PHIL2306: Introduction to Ethics 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Physical Education

KINE1110: Fitness Walking I 1 Online Yes
KINE1114: Spin Bike I 1 Online No
KINE1122: Kickboxing 1 Online Yes
KINE1125: Physical Conditioning I 1 Online Yes
KINE1143: Weight Training I 1 Online No
KINE1144: Weight Training II 1 Online No
KINE1149: Jogging I 1 Online Yes
KINE1301: Introduction to Physical Fitness and Sport 3 Online No
KINE1304: Personal/Community Health I 3 Online No
KINE1306: First Aid 3 Online No
KINE1321: Coaching/Sports/Athletics I 3 Online No
KINE1338: Concepts of Physical Fitness 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Physical Science

CHEM1406: Introductory Chemistry I 4 Online No
CHEM1407: Introductory Chemistry II 4 Online No
PHYS1403: Stars and Galaxies 4 Online,MM Yes
PHYS1404: Solar System 4 Online,MM Yes
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER

Protective Services

CJCR1304: Probation and Parole 3 Online No
CJCR1358: Rights of Prisoners 3 Online,MM No
CJCR2325: Legal Aspects of Corrections 3 Online No
CJLE1345: Intermediate Crime Scene Investigation 3 Online,MM No
CJLE2345: Vice & Narcotics Investigation 3 Online No
CJSA1308: Criminalistics I 3 Online No
CJSA1312: Crime In America 3 Online No
CJSA1313: Court Systems and Practices 3 Online,MM No
CJSA1317: Juvenile Justice System 3 Online No
CJSA1318: Court Management 3 Online No
CJSA1322: Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 Online No
CJSA1327: Fundamentals of Criminal Law 3 Online No
CJSA1342: Criminal Investigation 3 Online No
CJSA1348: Ethics in Criminal Justice 3 Online,MM Yes
CJSA1359: Police Systems and Practices 3 Online No
CJSA2300: Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement 3 Online No
CJSA2302: Police Management, Supervision, and Related Topics 3 Online No
CJSA2331: Child Abuse, Prevention and Investigation 3 Online Yes
CRIJ1301: Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 Online Yes
CRIJ1306: Court Systems and Practices 3 Online,MM No
CRIJ1307: Crime in America 3 Online,MM No
CRIJ1310: Fundamentals of Criminal Law 3 Online Yes
CRIJ1313: Juvenile Justice System 3 Online No
CRIJ2301: Community Resources in Corrections 3 Online,MM No
CRIJ2313: Correctional Systems and Practices 3 Online,MM No
CRIJ2314: Criminal Investigation 3 Online,MM No
CRIJ2323: Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement 3 Online,MM No
CRIJ2328: Police Systems and Practices 3 Online,MM No
FIRT1301: Fundamentals of Fire Protection 3 Online No
FIRT1309: Fire Administration I 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


PSYC1300: Learning Framework 3 Online No
PSYC2301: General Psychology 3 Online,MM Yes
PSYC2308: Child Psychology 3 Online No
PSYC2314: Life Span Growth and Development 3 Online,MM No
PSYC2315: Psychology of Adjustment 3 Online No
PSYC2316: Psychology of Personality 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


SOCI1301: Introduction to Sociology 3 Online,MM Yes
SOCI1306: Social Problems 3 Online Yes
SOCI2301: Marriage and the Family 3 Online,MM Yes
SOCI2319: Minority Studies I 3 Online No
Department / Course Credit Hours 1 Delivery Method 2 OER


SPCH1311: Introduction to Speech Communications 3 Online Yes
SPCH1315: Public Speaking 3 Online Yes
SPCH1318: Interpersonal Communication 3 Online Yes
SPCH1321: Business and Professional Communication 3 Online,MM Yes
Catalog Count = 408 OER Count = 86

1 Credit Hours  Developmental Studies credits are not transferable and cannot be applied towards degree completion. For details, visit

2 Delivery Method  MM = MultiMedia or offline courses. These are offered at select locations and in response to specific contracts, and are designed for students who do not have consistent, reliable internet access.