Welcome to CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education

BioSig-ID™ Instructions

As part of our initiative to improve student success and academic integrity, all online students are required to verify their student identity.

Federal regulations (Higher Education Opportunity Act, 2008) require that all institutions verify that the student who registers for an online learning course is the same student who participates in and completes the course.

As an online student, you will be asked to create a biometric password using a tool called Biometric Signature ID (BioSig-ID™). This password is unique to you and cannot be replicated by another person.

Bio Sig ID logo (Source: BioSig)

All BioSig-ID™ activity takes place inside your Blackboard course.

You will be asked at various points throughout the course to validate your identity.

Look for the BioSig-ID™ image   BioSig Logo   in your weekly learning content or when you are prompted automatically.

Watch this video which explains the BioSig-ID™ Enrollment Process.

Questions/problems? Visit the CTC BioSig-ID™ Help Site for assistance or to submit a ticket.

CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education