Welcome to CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education

Technical Requirements for Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education

Min/Recommended Requirements





Internet Connection (not required for MultiMedia courses)

Broadband Internet Connection (not required for MultiMedia courses)

Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS 10.12, Mac OS 10.13, Mac OS 10.14, iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Chrome OS

Windows 8 or newer

Firefox 57+, Edge 42+, Chrome 63+, Safari 12+

Firefox 57+

Text Editor

MS Word or Microsoft (Office) 365 (free)

Audio/Video Player

Audio/Video Player

Course-specific plug-ins

Course-specific plug-ins

Course-specific software

Course-specific software

Java JRE versions 7 and 8

Java JRE versions 7 and 8

Mouse, touchpad, or stylus

Mouse is recommended for best results with BioSig–ID

Webcam, Microphone, Additional Software (check Eagle Self-Service)

Webcam, Microphone, Additional Software (check Eagle Self-Service)

Blackboard can be used on most mobile devices but they might not support all technologies used by online courses (check Eagle Self-Service).

  • Download the free Blackboard mobile app from your app store to make it easier to use Blackboard on your mobile device.

  • Students taking multimedia courses should use a desktop or laptop computer for their coursework.

Please see the CTC Information Technology Division Annual Security Bulletin for Online Safety Tips.

Internet Browsers

CTC online courses require that you have an internet browser/device with JavaScript enabled.

JavaScript logo (Source: StackExchange)

Is JavaScript enabled on your browser? Test Your Browser to find out. If JavaScript is disabled, check your browser/device preferences to enable it.

Do you need to update your browser to use Blackboard?

Blackboard Ultra Student Orientation

Experience the Ultra view in Blackboard

  • Go to http://ctc.blackboard.com
  • Log in
    • Username: ctcbbuser24
    • Password: ctcbbuser24
  • On the COURSES page, click on "Bb Ultra Orientation for Students"
  • Navigate through the course to view and try Blackboard features
CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education