Prospective Distant Learners
Interested in Distance Education? Make sure online courses are right for you:
CTC provides flexible options for Distance Learning. You can take both online classes and face to face classes at the same time! Here are some things to think about:
All CTC courses have fixed start and end dates. The lengths of the courses vary between 8 and 16 weeks, with shorter classes at some locations and during the summer and holidays. The content of a course is the same regardless of its length. See our Online Course Schedule.
CTC offers flexible scheduling options to meet your needs. Some online courses are scheduled as self-paced with milestones. Choose a self-paced course with milestones if you need a minimal number of "hard" deadlines and can set up and adhere to a schedule for completing your coursework. Your instructor may provide suggested deadlines to assist you, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you keep up with your work and demonstrate consistent progress throughout the course. You may be withdrawn for failure to do so.
See Eagle Self-Service for details about the courses you choose.
Be sure that you know:
- The length of the course (you may need to count the time from the start to the end date).
- The delivery mode, i.e., online, blended, synchronous virtual, or MultiMedia (MM).
- Whether the online course is self-paced or not self-paced
- How to interpret Eagle Self-Service codes:
- For Online not self-paced, Eagle Self-Service says "Distance Learning, 100% Online - No face to face; Internet; Online Lecture"
- For Online self-paced, Eagle Self-Service says "Distance Learning, 100% Online - No face to face; Internet; Online S-Paced Lec"
Before Class
- See our Student Orientation for a Blackboard Tutorial
- Read the CTC Distant Learner Handbook
- Acquire your course materials
During class
- Initiate contact with your instructor during the first week of class.
- Maintain communication with your instructor.
- Arrange for a test proctor if proctored exams are required.
- Participate in class frequently.
- Submit assignments in accordance with the assigned or proposed schedule.
- Complete all course work on or before the last day of class.
Blackboard Ultra Student Orientation
Experience the Ultra view in Blackboard
- Go to
- Log in
- Username: ctcbbuser24
- Password: ctcbbuser24
- On the COURSES page, click on "Bb Ultra Orientation for Students"
- Navigate through the course to view and try Blackboard features

More Information
For information about admissions, course registration, financial aid, and other general topics not specific to Distance Education, please refer to the CTC website, or email