Welcome to CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education

Am I ready for distance learning?

This checklist will help you ensure that you have the time, resources, and skills essential for success in distance education.

Yes No Time
time and effort
I understand that distance education courses require at least as much time and effort as face-to-face courses.
hours per week
I can devote a minimum of 6-9 hours per week to each course.
work uninterrupted
I will be able to work on my course with no interruptions (TDY, field duties, etc.) for the entire length of the course.
proctored testing
I will be able to arrange for proctored testing if required.
Yes No Resources and Skills
access to computer
I have easy and constant access to a computer that meets the minimum Technical Requirements.
email account
I have an email account and can send and receive email on a regular basis.
email attachments
I know how to attach files to email and open files attached to incoming email.
copy and paste
I can copy and paste text from a word processor into an email message.
enter edit text
I can enter text into textboxes and use basic editing tools.
run applications
I can run applications that I need to use.
manage files
I can create, save, and manage computer files.
administrative rights
I have administrative rights to my computer.
install software
I can download and install software and plug-ins.
Yes No Additional Resources and Skills
internet access
I have frequent and reliable access to the Internet.
navigate internet
I can use navigation tools on the Internet.
search engine
I can use a search engine to conduct research on the Internet.
online discussion
I can register for and participate in an online discussion board/forum.

If you answered “No” to any of the items, or if you have questions,
contact the Eagles On Call Center at Eaglesoncall@ctcd.edu before enrolling in a distance education course.

To get a more detailed assessment of your readiness, including a personalized interpretation of your score with study tips and videos,
check out the eLearnReady Assessment System.

CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education