Current Distant Learners
We are glad that you chose to take distance learning courses with CTC, and hope that you are having a good experience. If you have technical questions or concerns, contact us at Please use your EagleMail account and include your name, the Blackboard course ID found at the top of the course menu, and a brief description of your concern.
If you have not heard from your instructor by the first day of class, contact and specify the course name and number, your name, and the course start date.
Have you tried the Blackboard mobile app? Download it for free from Blackboard or your app store.

To change your Blackboard password:
- Use the Forgot Password? link on the Blackboard login screen to change or reset your Blackboard password.
- On the form, enter either your name and username, or your name and email address, and then an email will be sent to the address that is associated with your Blackboard account (most likely your CTC email).
- When you receive the email, click the link inside it to continue. The rules for creating a secure Blackboard password will be listed.
- If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder.
- If you need further assistance, contact
Course Evaluations
Your feedback is important to us and will help us improve our courses. When you finish a course, please fill out a Course Evaluation Form! You may include your email if you want to be contacted, but your personal information is not provided to your instructors.

The course evaluation system was upgraded in June 2020. There are no longer separate forms for online vs. face-to-face classes, all courses are now evaluated using a single form. In addition, for the security and integrity of the system, you must now log in to submit a course evaluation. Please follow the instructions after clicking the link below.
Log in to submit a course evaluation
View the results of submitted course evaluations (this includes a search by course and/or instructor)
Give Your Instructor a Grade
Use our informal Grade Your Instructor app.

Need help?
Please see our Student Resources page, or refer to the CTC website.
For technical support with Blackboard, Bio-Sig, and Publisher products, check the Contact Us page.