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Central Texas College Distance Education

MultiMedia Courses

Central Texas College Distance Education

MultiMedia (MM) or offline courses are offered at select locations and in response to specific contracts, such as NCPACE (Navy). These courses are designed for students who do not have consistent, reliable internet access.

If you are a Navy student interested in taking MultiMedia courses with CTC, please contact ncpace@ctcd.edu.

Media Options

Students must purchase the course media when they purchase the course textbook. The course is available on CD-ROM or by download. For some courses, the textbook is replaced by Open Educational Resource materials, which are provided as part of the courseware at no additional cost.
You may take your course on your desktop computer or laptop. We do not support MM courses on mobile devices -- while the course packet may open, results are unpredictable.

CD ROM (Source: Pixabay)
Download Button (Source: Pixabay)

There are two parts to each MultiMedia course:

  • The course with syllabus and lessons
  • The course packet with the handbook, exams, and other materials

The course CD-ROM, SD card or course download must be purchased as a separate item along with the course packet and the textbook (if the course is not OER).

To take a MultiMedia course, you must:

  • Have access to a desktop or laptop computer with minimum technical requirements.
  • Have a valid, functional email address.
  • Have basic computer skills and be able to download and install applications or plug-ins.
  • Make the time to devote to your coursework.
  • Acquire specified instructional materials.
CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education