Blended Courses
Blended courses combine face-to-face and online. You have the advantages of both delivery methods. You must attend certain scheduled activities on campus or at a particular location, such as lectures, clinicals, or labs, while completing other activities online in Blackboard, such as submitting homework or participating in discussion boards. CTC typically schedules these classes as Online Blended (OBL).
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, CTC’s state regulatory agency, defines blended/hybrid courses as
- "A course in which a majority (more than 50 percent but less than 85 percent) of the planned instruction occurs when the students and instructor(s) are not in the same place."
The actual percentage of face-to-face versus online varies from one CTC course or subject area to another. Details are provided by the instructor.
CTC uses the Blackboard Learning Management System ( for its blended courses. Once you obtain Blackboard access (72 hours before your course starts), you are ready to learn at any time of the day or night. You have access to student and support services and 24/7/365 Blackboard technical support (866-350-4729).