Welcome to CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education

Blackboard Help

Central Texas College Distance Education

24/7 Blackboard Support:  866-350-4729

Blackboard Technical Support

Change Blackboard Password

To change your Blackboard password:

  • Use the Forgot Password? link on the Blackboard login screen to change or reset your Blackboard password.
  • On the form, enter either your name and username, or your name and email address, and then an email will be sent to the address that is associated with your Blackboard account (most likely your CTC email).
  • When you receive the email, click the link inside it to continue. The rules for creating a secure Blackboard password will be listed.
  • If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder.
  • If you need further assistance, contact de.techsupport@ctcd.edu.

On-demand Blackboard Help and Training

Faculty wishing to learn more about Blackboard may request online self-paced training through the HR Training Office Etrieve form.

CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education