Welcome to CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education

Contact Tech Support

Central Texas College Distance Education

For assistance with CTC Email, Eagle Self-Service, www.ctcd.edu or other non-Distance Education issues:

CTC helpdesk informationspacingeagle self-service information
CTC Help Desk - help.desk@ctcd.edu Log in to Eagle Self-Service
CTC Webmaster - ctc.webmaster@ctcd.edu Eagle Self-Service Technical Assistance page
Local - 254-501-3103 Email Eagle Self-Service Tech - SelfService.Support@ctcd.edu
Continental USA - 792-3348 x3103 Call Eagle Self-Service Tech - 1-800-792-3348 ext. 1637 or 254-526-1637
Texas & Continental USA - 800-223-4760 x3103  

For assistance with Blackboard or other Distance Education issues:

First Name:
Last Name:
Please enter a valid email address so that we can contact you regarding your issue.
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CTC ID (this is used when logging in to Blackboard or Eagle Self-Service):
Describe your problem here:

Be very specific with your request.

If possible, please copy and paste the exact error message you are

CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education