Faculty Qualifications and Responsibilities
- The requirements for teaching distance education courses are the same as those for teaching the equivalent face-to-face courses. Check with your department for specific qualifications, requirements, and limitations.
- New distance education faculty are hired by the academic or vocational department and report to the Department Chair or Faculty Online Manager for that department, not to DEET. Applications should be submitted to CTC Human Resources.
- Distant Learners have the same rights as students who sit in a face-to-face classroom. Consequently, the assignment of a distance education course should be received with the same level of faculty commitment as a face-to-face course.
- All faculty working with distant learners are expected to have some degree of technical skills, and training is available.
- Since Blackboard access is provided for all courses (online and classroom), familiarity with basic Blackboard tools and basic computer skills are essential.
- Try this quiz to assess your capabilities: Am I ready to use technology to teach classes?
- Check the Technical Requirements page to ensure you have adequate hardware and software.
- Some CTC academic departments have a Faculty Online Manager in addition to a Department Chair. Please see this department list for details.
- As a CTCD faculty member, you have 24/7 technical support: see the Contact Us page.
Fallacies and Facts
- "Any instructor can teach online."
- Not all face-to-face faculty are good online instructors.
- Not all online faculty are good face-to-face instructors.
- "If I teach online, my students will teach themselves."
- Teaching online is just as time consuming as face-to-face instruction, and in some cases, more.
- You don’t have to be online 24/7, but you must make your presence known in your virtual classroom.
- You can provide instructions and other information to eliminate the need to answer the same questions repeatedly.
- A little extra time spent up front can minimize effort and confusion later.
- "Online courses are correspondence courses where students work alone and take tests."
- Per SACSCOC and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), distance education courses must provide the same level of rigor and engagement as the corresponding face-to-face classes.
- With available technology, online courses can engage the learner and provide for communication and collaboration.