Welcome to CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education

Online Course Schedule

Details on all CTC courses are available through the Eagle Self-Service system. To ensure you have the most up to date information and details on your preferred courses, be sure to search for them in Eagle Self-Service.

Are you a Soldier planning to use Army Tuition Assistance?

Go to https://www.ctcd.edu/academics/booksinstructional-materials/ for book information.

For a list of all online courses, see our Online Course Catalog.

Show Online, Blended, & Sync Virtual courses starting on  

* denotes a major start date - more online sections available

View this schedule for past start dates

course schedule
To view LECTURE course sections using Blackboard, see our Lecture Course Schedule.

You will not have access to your online course until three days before the start date.

If you registered for an online course and you have not heard from your instructor by the first day of class, please:

  • Select the course start date above and click View
  • Find your course in the schedule displayed
  • Email your instructor:
    • You can email by clicking on his/her name on the screen
    • In general, each instructor's email address is his/her firstname.lastname@ctcd.edu. For example, "Smith, John" would be John.Smith@ctcd.edu.
  • Include this information in your email:
    • Your name
    • A valid email address
    • The course name and number
    • The course start date

If you do not know who your instructor is, please email eaglesoncall@ctcd.edu and provide the information listed above.

Some courses require the use of publisher or other non-CTC websites for completion of activities, assignments, exams, and labs. These should be specified at the CTC booklist and may require the purchase of an access code. Any issues related to these sites must be resolved through the site's technical support department.

Contact the appropriate Instructional Department if you have specific questions.

CTC Distance Education

Central Texas College Distance Education